Please note: you must be at least 21 years old to attend AABG meetings.

The September meeting will be hosted by Geoff Billiu and Annie Zipser, starting at 7:30PM on Friday, September 14.

Read general information about the meeting, including an interactive map to the location.

The education program about using fresh hops starts at 7PM. During the business meeting, Jeff Grainger will talk about this year’s cider pressing. Please bring samples from previous years of this wonderful club event.

Geoff wrote:

I suggested the fresh hops discussion for September because I took down some of mine done today.  I’m hoping to have an open discussion about playing with fresh hops with brewers who know more than I do (there are a lot of you!).

Potential Topics?

• Harvest schedules – How to determine when to harvest?  How much of a difference is there between varietals?

• Drying/preserving fresh hops

• Brewing with fresh hops

• Shelf-life of fresh hopped beers

I was also contemplating a comment that Tim made recently that fresh hopped beers tended to taste grassy.  Why would that be?  Picking mine this morning made me think about whether the grassiness might come from hops that are not fully mature.  As home-growers, I tend to do a harvest all at once regardless of the variety and maturity.

Categories: meetings


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