Please note: you must be at least 21 years old to attend AABG meetings.
The April meeting will be hosted by Geoff Billiu and Annie Zipser, starting at 7:30PM on Friday, April 10.
Read more about this month’s meeting online, including an interactive map to the location.
Geoff writes:
We’re in the country, so parking anywhere on the property is okay as long as there isn’t any snow. I’d like to note that people should park on the grass and not to block the driveway. Lots of additional parking is available in the backyard. People can walk right in from the front door or through the back doorwall on the deck.
I believe Crispy will be doing a mead presentation at 7PM, as well.
The latest meeting schedule is:
- May 8: Open
- June 12: Steve Krebs
- July 11: Beer-BQ at Rick & Dianne Monier’s (Saturday)
- August 14: Michigan Homebrewers Festival
- September 11: Mike Eriksen
- October 9: Kevin Carey
- November 13: Open (probably Crispy)
- December 11: Rolf