Please note: you must be at least 21 years old to attend AABG meetings.
The February meeting will be hosted by Adventures in Homebrewing, starting at 7:30PM on Friday, February 8.
Read more about this month’s meeting online, including an interactive map to the location, or download the newsletter, which contains information about the meeting and features “UnSession Beers”, the style of the month.
Pre-meeting education about Ann Arbor water
Molly Robinson (Ann Arbor’s Water Treatment Services Manager) will discuss Ann Arbor’s water, the treatment facility, and how the water changes from source to tap. Crispy contacted her and provided some background on the club, and mentioned the recent interest that members have expressed as to understanding the single most significant ingredient in our homemade fermentables.
Along with the aforementioned source to tap discussion, Crispy suggested that members would also be interested in some key elements and minerals that can affect our brewing (sulfur and sodium being two).
Molly also suggested that if we were interested, she could arrange a tour of the water treatment plant during some warmer weather.
Jeff Rankert sent in some questions that he’s interested in:
- What is the seasonal variation in our water?
- If it’s mainly from Barton Pond, where do the minerals come from? Runoff through the local gravel/soil?
- Does AA take measures to remove Iron? Green Earth or other means?
Jeff has agreed with Crispy to talk more about the brewing ions and some of the spreadsheets one can use at the March meeting.