2009-08-03_1651Please note: you must be at least 21 years old to attend AABG meetings.

The August meeting will be hosted by Jay Howe at the Corner Brewery, starting at 7:30PM on Friday, August 14, and will feature a showing of his utilitarian brewhouse ware.

Read more about the meeting online, including an interactive map to the location, or download the newsletter, which contains information about the meeting, Jay’s art, and Amber Hybrid beers, the style of the month.

Jay writes: This show celebrates utilitarian brewhouse ware. Mugs, pitchers, growlers, jugs, tasting vessels and even tap handles are some of the examples of ceramics in this natural environment.

I have drawn influences from German, English and French Medieval salt-fired jugs and krugs, from Japanese tea bowls, and from Early American bottles to come up with functional work intended to be used expressively for craft beer. There are tasters with tight lips and wide bellies reminiscent of the Belgian tulip style.
There are bottles and growlers for the travelers. I have also adapted the Japanese tea bowl to hold mead, a fermented honey beverage. The open lip and wide belly create space for the aroma of the mead to be enjoyed. My mugs feature a traditional pulled English handle that fits comfortably in the hand. While most of my mugs hold a full pint, some a bit larger for session beers, some a bit smaller for imperial styles. My pitchers and bottles are large enough to serve, yet light enough so that they can easily be poured and used.

My personal aesthetic embraces smooth curved lines made by my hands and the surface created within the salt kiln. I adore the intimate, tactile way that utilitarian ceramics are appreciated. In the hand and against the lips, function and surface blend together and are intrinsically understood as the act of drinking itself becomes an aesthetic experience.

Categories: meetings


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