The second annual Arbor Brewing Company Brews Crews homebrew competition took place June 7th at the Corner Brewery in Ypsilanti. Best of show went to David Curtis for his Northern English Brown Ale.

A full list of winners can be found here, and the winning recipe can be found here (posted with permission). Photos from the competition can be found by browsing the AABG gallery on this site, or by clicking here.

The competition judged 113 entries, awarded 12 sets of prizes, and ended up with net surplus of $10 to be donated to the AABG. Thanks go to Alex, Claudia, Spencer, Monica and the other staff at the Corner, as well as all the judges and stewards who helped out in running another successful competition.

Look for more details to come on when the winning beer will be brewed and served.

Categories: News

Aron Butler

AABG member since ca. 2004.


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