Best of show in the Arbor Brewing / Corner Brewing “Brews Crews” competition went to Jason Pruette for his Ale-n-Dog Alt Blind. We understand that Jason and Matt will probably be brewing this in August.
The list of first round winners (1st, 2nd and 3rd place) is available online.
Best of Show first runner-up was Bob Barrett’s Oberon Clone, and second runner-up was John Rathmell’s Realm of Osmodius Imperial Stout.
1 Comment
Aron Butler · July 3, 2007 at 1:00 pm
The competition judged a total of 109 entries, and finished with a budget surplus of $81 which will be donated to the AABG. Thanks go to Alex and Claudia Pettit and Spencer Thomas for their work registering entries and coordinating judging. Thanks also go to Jim & Wendy Suchy for their advice with rules and registration. We had a good turnout of judges from AABG. It is great to have a knowledgeable and active group to make this event happen. Keep an eye out for announcements of next year’s competition.