The Beer Depot
The Beer Depot 114 E. William Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Monday – Saturday, 9 AM to 2 AM Sunday, Noon to Midnight 734-623-4430 map
The Beer Depot 114 E. William Ann Arbor, MI 48104 Monday – Saturday, 9 AM to 2 AM Sunday, Noon to Midnight 734-623-4430 map
Cap ‘n’ Cork Homebrewing Supply Contact: Art Baarck (owner) 16812 Twenty-one Mile Road. (Southeast Corner of 21 Mile & Garfield). Macomb, Michigan 48044 – 2601 586-286-5202 FAX 586-286-5133 map
Home Winery Supply CO Carl and Gary Fink (owners) 208 East Main Street Dundee, MI 48131 734-529-3296 map
The Red Salamander Contact: Karl Glarner (owner) 205 North Bridge Street Grand Ledge MI 48837 517-627-2012 map
Wine Barrel Plus Contact: Mark (owner) 30303 Plymouth Rd, Livonia 734-522-WINE map
Ypsilanti Brewing Company 4 West Forest St, Ypsilanti Wed. 5pm to 7pm and Sat. 9am -5pm or by appointment Contact: Mike O’Brien 734-637-2532 map